It’s all something we talk about, but are we really doing enough about it?!
Throughout my time with Copello I have had so many conversations with clients’ around increasing diversity in the workplace. It’s been a hot topic for years now.
But what are we ACTUALLY doing about it?
From experience, my advice on how to increase diversity is actually very simple…
SET TARGETS and understand WHY you are wanting to increase diversity in your workplace. REMEMBER – Diversity is a CULTURE. Not just a project.
STOP just hiring purely off the back of referrals from current employees or replacing like for like. All you’ll be doing is duplicating your current work force – not adding anything new and pushing the diversity you are aiming for.
Retrain your staff and create an understanding of what the aim is when improving workplace diversity. Often, long term employees forget that the best candidate, might not be what was considered the best candidate when they started 15 years ago! Education is KEY.
I am interested to know what you are doing, or what you think we could be doing more of across Engineering & Technology to continue to drive diversity?
Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss this